
June civ 6 patch
June civ 6 patch

A very old-fashioned approach to diplomacy, sure, but perhaps treading a little too close to Domination. The devs also want to put a stop to players earning diplomatic victories in Gathering Storm by wiping out the opposition. Then, we've got the rest of the update, which fixes a number of exploits such as district duplication and wrangling up multiple pantheon bonuses. Season 2 also fixes Red Death's biggest flaw, in that (unlike regular Civ matches) Sean Bean wasn't narrating the proceedings. That they bear passing resemblance to Firaxis' other aliens is simply a coincidence, I'm sure.

june civ 6 patch june civ 6 patch

Aliens, meanwhile, favour the hit and run - striking hard from cloaked ambush points, before retreating and regenerating their health. That's great if you're looking to quickly ramp up your forces, but watch out - without prey to feed on, the undead will slowly decompose over time. Led by a floating brain in a jar, Zombies can convert any living foe they mulch into more zombies. It's already full of goth mutants and evil scientists anyway, so what's the undead and the extra-terrestrial on top of that? No, these two factions are included under Season 2 of Civ 6's Red Death battle royale mode, a concept I still can't quite fully internalise.

june civ 6 patch

Unfortunately, you're not going to be zapping Catherine de' Medici of France with alien rayguns.

#June civ 6 patch update#

Posted this week, Civ 6's latest update video certainly buries the lead - running through a laundry list of balance changes and exploit fixes before even mentioning the rotting and the extraterrestrial. I wouldn't say I'm an expert on history, but surely Civilization VI is taking the mick here, no? As the first "community update" to run alongside Civ's new " New Frontier" pass, Firaxis are rolling battle royale spin-off mode Red Death into Season 2 with sneaky aliens and shambling zombies in a free patch next week - now narrated by the gravelly Yorkshire tones of Sean Bean

June civ 6 patch